Brazilian Doctor Allegedly Rips Off Baby Head During Horrific Childbirth –

By greatbritton


While the horrified father watched, a Brazilian doctor got accused of ripping his baby’s head off during childbirth.

The shocking incident reportedly happened on May 1st at the Hospital das Clinicas da UFMG, which is in Belo Horizonte, the state capital of Minas Gerais, in the Santa Efigenia neighborhood.

33-year-old Ranielly Coelho Santos got admitted to the hospital on April 28 as the mother of a 9-year-old girl. According to the outlet, her labor got induced shortly; before the unidentified obstetrician called the father to come to watch the birth more closely.

The distraught father told police that the doctor “ripped off the child’s head,” put pressure on her belly, and attempted to remove the baby’s body as quickly as possible.

He claimed to have seen the infant blinking and moving her mouth when speaking to investigators as proof that the infant was still alive at the time of her birth.

The horrifying death made headlines across Brazil after the family from the municipality of Ribeirao das Neves, which is on the outskirts of Belo Horizonte, reported it to police.

The family reportedly claims that a social worker at the hospital told them that the hospital would pay for their funeral expenses if they agreed to sign a waiver acknowledging that “the autopsy had already been performed” and that it “would not be forwarded to the Legal Medical Institute (IML)” for further investigation.


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